Social Media Decisions
Social Media
Whether you love it or hate it, Social Media is part of our everyday life. When it comes to your wedding day you need to decide if you are going to embrace it, control it or uninvited it completely.
If you don’t mind your guests snapping away and uploading then why not get them to either do a hashtag so that you get to see them all, or get involved with one of the many Wedding Pic Apps that you can use.
Wedding Apps
The Wedding Pic apps are a fun and unique way to capture your special day. The wedding photo app is an easy way to collect photos and videos from your wedding guests. All you need to do is inform your guests of your login details and all they have to do is download the app and share away. Some of my couples have made business cards with their details on it designed and placed a few at each table.
Using Hashtags
The hashtag option is a lot easier. All your guests need to do is put your chosen hashtag on their photos and you can then search for that hashtag to see all the images from your gorgeous day.
Think carefully though when thinking about your hashtag, try to make it as original as possible and then search for that hashtag to see if anyone has used that before. Once you have come up with your hashtag, get a sign made up to inform all your guests so they know what to put.
Maybe you are okay with them taking photos but not so much with them posting them.
If this is the case, there are a few options you can choose from. This is your day so you can stipulate exactly what you both would want. Maybe you would like guests to not post any photos of you until you post your official photo up, or if you are having a UK party, ask them to wait until after this celebration… you could even say that they can take photos and post all of them, except ones with you in them.
This is becoming more popular due to Social media slightly taking over our lives. I have heard many photographers say that guests have got in the way of the perfect shot due to the guest trying to get a photo. Also, why watch a wedding ceremony through a phone when you can put it down and watch it for real.
The UNPLUGGED wedding sign option would be the way forward on this. What a great way for your guests to live in the moment and just enjoy themselves… you have spent a lot of money on a fab photographer for a reason… you don’t need any phone photos to make the day better.
There are many ways you can communicate your wishes to the guests… maybe the Best man explains to the guests beforehand, or you could have a sign put up at your ceremony so that all your guests see and read it before the wedding party arrives. I have had quite a few couples decide to put their wishes on Paddle fans and place them on each seat so that when their guests arrive and sit down, they have time to read the fan and then use it to keep cool.
With the way the world is going right now, a Social media sign is something that needs to be put on the list… it is nearly more important than a Welcome sign!